The grouping of related tests in pre-established studies and profiles makes it easier to obtain analytical results which, as a whole, provide more specific and in-depth information for clinical diagnosis. In addition to the groups listed below, the technical management of Penta Centro de Análisis Clínicos offers physicians a permanent consultation service to expand or create new studies and special profiles.
Studies and profiles
- Antigen/Antibody Study
- Cytological study
- Mycobacteria study (Lowenstein)
- Amino acid study in urine
- Amino acid study in blood
- Antigen detection study
- Study of faeces
- Haemolysis study
- Bone marrow study (Myelogram)
- Study of Trace Elements (Toxicology)
- Study of Urine
- Study of parasites
- Study of marker proteins
- Study of Semen
- Thyroid study
- Complement Study
- PH and Hydrosaline Metabolism Study
- Renal Functional Study
- Gastroenterological Study
- Gonadal Study
- Pituitary Study
- Immunohematological Study
- Immunological Study
- Hydrocarbon Metabolism Study
- Lipid Metabolism Study
- Protein Metabolism Study
- Microbiological study
- Fungi Microbiological Study
- Platelet and haemostasis study
- Direct Observation Study
- Direct Observation Study – Ziehl-Nielsen Stain
- White Series Study
- Red Series Study
- Serological study of fungal infection
- Serological study of infection by parasites
- Serological study of virus infection
- Serological study of bacterial infections
- Study of deficiency signs
- Suprarenal Study
- Toxicological Study
- Phospho-Calcium Metabolism
- Drug Monitoring
- Hepatic Profile. Porphyrias
- Rheumatoid Profile
- Enzyme Profiles
- Cellular Immunity Skin Tests
- Rast to mites
- Rast to Occupational Allergens
- Rast to Food
- Rast to Animal Epithelia and Proteins
- Rast to Insects and Parasites
- Rast to Medicines
- Rast to Moulds and Fungi
- Rast to Pollens
- Rast to House Dust

Certificado de Calidad ISO 9001:2008

Certificado de Calidad ISO 9001:2008