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Clinical analyses

Penta Centro de Análisis Clínicos has highly productive human and technological resources that allow it to offer all reference laboratory services with the highest guarantee and quality, and to ensure that this level of performance is constant, different work areas have been established that act in a coordinated manner and under the permanent supervision of the heads of each department and the Technical Management.

Penta Centro de Análisis Clínicos has both internal and external quality control of results.


Pre-analytical area

The process of extraction or reception, identification and checking of samples is carried out systematically and following the specific routine that, in each case, is indicated in our Pre-analytical Manual.

Analytical area

It is based on a General Catalogue of Tests with more than 1400 determinations in Haematology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Virology, Immunology, Parasitology and Molecular Diagnostics.
Looking for more analytical specificity, we have also developed a Catalogue of Studies and Profiles with more than 80 groups that respond to as many pathologies.

Post-analytical area

Since our laboratory is equipped with the highest degree of automation in its instruments, we have a great connectivity between all of them through a powerful computer application that manages the joint work of these resources.
The Laboratory Management System provides traceability, security, agility, privacy and control to all the processes involved in obtaining and managing results.
This tool, which is constantly being updated, is made up of modules that make it possible to obtain and check results, edit reports and generate statistical data of great value for medical follow-up.
The final validation of each report is carried out personally by the technical professionals responsible.

Logistics area

The extractions carried out at our facilities, as well as the collection of specimens sent to us from other laboratories, are subject to strict conservation controls.
Penta Centro de Análisis Clínicos provides its clients, at no additional charge, with extraction kits, containers and/or special thermal conditioners, which ensure the stability of the samples during their transport to our laboratory.

Certificado de Calidad ISO 9001:2008

Certificado de Calidad ISO 9001:2008